How do I Start My Own Security Company

If you want to start your own security company in South Africa, there are a number of requirements you need to satisfy before you can start your security guard business.

The most important requirements are that you need to be compliant and that you need to be registered at PSIRA as a B-graded security person to be able to be an owner or director of a security company in South Africa. (Download button at the bottom of this page.)

To be B Graded, you need to pass the requirements of grades C – E.

What you need to register a security company in South Africa:

  • Decide which security services your security company will provide.
  • Register a company at the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC).
  • Register for all taxes at SARS (SARS Tax Clearance Certificate, VAT Registration Number, PAYE Number).
  • Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases (COID) registration.
  • One-year business plan.
  • Declaration that your business will be able to operate for the next year.
  • Office location that is permanent (fixed and immovable)
  • B-BBEE Affidavit for companies with a turnover of less than R10 million. Download an example.
  • B-BBEE Certificate for companies with a turnover of more than R10 million. Download the steps you must follow.
  • A Letter of Good Standing issued by SARS which confirms that you are registered where you need to be registered. 
  • You must be able to prove to PSIRA that you do not have a criminal record.
  • PSIRA will test your competency by way of an exam. Fees change annually, so check beforehand what you need to pay.
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What to know when you start your own security company

Security services according to the Private Security Industry Regulation Act includes the protection, safeguarding and reactive response for the purposes of safeguarding (protection) of persons and property in any manner.

You must know the security business to offer a reliable and popular security service to your clients, so it is advisable to first work at a security company to learn the trade if you do not have security experience.

You will need to know enough about security services to give informed advice to clients. You will also have to know about running a business because the security industry is a competitive industry and you need to know how to manage people and money effectively.

Homeowners who need security services are much more price-sensitive than business owners who must use security services to protect their livelihood and can claim it from tax.

Once you have been registered, you can put your business marketing plan into action and start looking for clients.

Hopefully, you will already know:

  • Which security services you will offer.
  • What your competitive advantage is.
  • How to promote yourself.
  • How to promote your services.
  • How to network.

When you have your security company up and running, you will need to start employing security staff.

To do this, you will need help with appointing the right people. You can find help here.

Non-compulsory voluntary security associations

Membership of these organisations is not compulsory, but membership has many benefits and lends credibility to your business.

  • SASA – Security Association of South Africa
  • SASSETA – Safety & Security Sector Education & Training Authority
  • SANSEA – South African National Security Employers Association
  • SAIDSA – South African Intruder Detection Services Association (specifically for alarm monitoring and armed response services)
  • ESDA – Electronic Security Distributors Association (This specifically for electronic security equipment)
See also  How do I check my PSiRA verification?

Download PSIRA documents

Download PSIRA Registration Form

Once you have your security guard company up and running you need to set up an office and buy security accessories